What's Up Wednesday; November 2023 Edition

It's the last Wednesday of the month and that means it's time for What's Up Wednesday with Sheaffer and Shay. 

What We're Eating: All the Thanksgiving leftovers making up recipes like:

Turkey and rice soup

What I'm Reminiscing About: I've been thinking a lot about the cruise my husband and I went on for our honeymoon and what fun we had... 

What I'm Loving: My new stove!  After waiting nearly a month and a half for repair parts we caved in and bought one. It's a double oven and I am really enjoying learning the ins and outs of it.

What We've Been Up To: A bit of hiking, some home repairs,  reading, decorating the house for Christmas... 

What I'm Dreading: Cold and flu season, the icy cold mornings and snow, driving lessons with Evan (I'm so glad we talked him into getting his license but I HATE the actual teaching them to drive part)... 

What I'm Working On: Trying to finish up Christmas stuff; I made some money/gift cards holders for the nieces and nephews this month. I also made up all my cards and got them in the mail earlier this week. 

After nearly 13 years, Alec has decided that this week is his last week taking karate classes. We're all so sad that he's saying goodbye to a wonderful teacher he's been with nearly the entire time! I made her a personalized mug and wrapped up her favorite snack with a gift card inside. 

What I'm Excited About: My husband and I booked a cruise for ourselves for January and I am so excited to set sail for the sunny Caribbean! 

What I'm Watching/Reading:  Ballers (HBO Max), Reacher- the new season, Live to 100 (Netflix), Retirement Plan (Amazon), All the Light We Cannot See (Netflix), Great British Baking Show (season 11 Netflix)... and all our favorite holiday movies.

I read another dozen books in November and a post summarizing them all and my thoughts will be up on the blog soon. 

What I'm Listening to: Currently I'm listening to Family of Liars on Libby while I drive to and from the gym in the mornings. 

What I'm Wearing: All the warm sweaters and lined pants I can find. 

What I'm Doing This Weekend: Probably filling out FAFSA forms (though we are hearing it might not be up and running until end of December now so we'll see)... send prayers.  These sort of things stress me right out! 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: Christmas, of course!

What Else is New: Alec got accepted to both the colleges he applied to (with substantial merit scholarships too!) 

Linking up with:


  1. So much goodness in this post -- the cruise - the cozy sweaters -- those adorable snowman cards! It must be hard to say goodbye to someone and something after doing it for 13 years. That's a long time. Also, I too am dreading the snow and cold and ice -- blah...

    1. Thank you! It was definitely bittersweet but with high school wrapping up and getting so busy with his senior year it was the obvious choice. I'm sure he'll still pop in now and then to visit!

  2. So many fantastic things going on in your life! Congrats to your son and loving your throwback pics of your cruise. How exciting about the next trip this coming!


  3. That's exciting about the cruise coming up. It will be so nice to get away in the winter to a warm vacation! Congratulations to your son about the college acceptances! FASFA filling out is no fun but necessary. All of the food looks delicious and I like seeing your holiday decor. We've been watching some of our favorite movies as well. The wall repair looks great. So many books too..you are busy! The gift card holders are adorable!

    1. I have been joking with my husband that he might have a hard time convincing me to come back after.. between the warm weather and not having to cook or clean!

  4. What a beautiful post and I love your your fashion show. Congrats to your son. 💟

  5. I hope I can just update last year's FAFSA...ugh. I love all your sweaters!

    1. From what I am hearing it is a completely new and redesigned system this year which is why it's still not open yet...

  6. I love your trees, they look so nice! Best of luck with the driving and FASFA, that sounds very stressful, but the cruise will help you get through it all :)

    1. Thank you! I definitely feel like the cruise is helping me get through it all.. it's a nice reward at the end of the tunnel. :)

  7. What a great post, love your outfits! I'm sure you are very happy to have your new stove. Congratulations to Alec! Ugh, FAFSA! I hope they have improved the system.

    1. Thank you! They say they have streamlined the system and made FAFSA better but I'm skeptical. LOL

  8. Lookin' good Mama and I am so excited for you for your cruise! Anyway does it mean I am old because I got excited about your double oven? Ha! ;)

    1. Funny the things that excite us as we get older isn't it? LOL

  9. Love your outfits and your new stove looks great! Oh my goodness I was just watching about how advanced the cruise ships have become on the today show this morning! You are going to have the best time, loved the throwbacks!

    1. Yeah, some of these new ships are just incredible. I'm actually feeling more excited for the ship itself than our actual stops along the way!

  10. I'll be going on my first cruise in April! Cold & flu season is no joke. I'm working from home as much as possible now because it is going around!

    1. Between all the parties, school events, work things, etc. this month I think we're just resigned to whatever happens happens. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that no one is sick during our vacation.

  11. Those hiking views are SO good! And how fun to have a trip to look forward to.

  12. Ooooh I would LOVE to have a double oven. It's always so hard during the holidays to figure out when to make what, especially when they all have to go in at the same time on different temps! Haha.

    1. Yes! Though with 2 ovens they are a bit smaller; we would not have been able to cook our turkey in there if I had needed to (thankfully I didn't!).

  13. You look so good in all of your outfits! 😘❤️

  14. It's funny how we get excited about appliances as we get older!

  15. That's so exciting for Eric... congratulations to him.
    I can't believe you don't wear MORE layers with your weather!
    It goes to show I belong in AZ.

    1. I haven't broken out my winter coat yet either!

  16. I swear the leftovers from Thanksgiving are allllmost as good as the actual meal! We made turkey congee this year, and it was so good! Also, you look lovely in all those outfits :)

  17. All those turkey recipes look delicious, Joanne, and congratulations on your new stove. Enjoy!

  18. I love seeing all your delicious cozy meals and jumpers. I think that I enjoy the cold weather through everyone else's eyes except mine! Haha. The new stove and oven looks amazing! New ovens take a bit of getting used to. For years we had an old-style oven and then when we got a new one I couldn't work out how to turn it on!

    1. Yes! I have really been struggling with learning my new oven and getting it to cook "right."

  19. Oh, I forgot about adding FASFA to my weekend plans. That is also something I dread each year! I bet y'all are enjoying the double oven. That will be so handy for the holidays!

    1. Well, we're now being old "end of December" so it might not be this weekend anyway!

  20. Wow! You must have a lot of leftover turkey! My husband really doesn't like it so I just send it all home with everyone else. It's been a hot minute since I sent out Christmas cards! My stove at the new house is not as advanced as the one we had at the old house. There were things I never did learn how to use...like the convection part of it! How did you like All The Light We Cannot See? I loved it. And, congrats to Alec for acceptance to both places! Good luck on the FAFSA...I hated doing that, and that was during the days of dial up internet!


    1. I really enjoyed All The Light We Cannot See a lot; it has been long enough since I read the book that I only remembered broad outlines of it so I didn't drive myself crazy comparing the two but all the main parts I remembered were there.

  21. So many amazing things happening!
    Congrats on your son, and those throwback cruise pics are awesome.
    How exciting about the next trip! ✈️

    Hugs and blessings, Joanne

  22. I love your new stove! A double oven would come in so handy. And your home is looking so festive!

  23. Congratulations to Alec on his college acceptances and his substantial merit scholarships. That's awesome! Wishing you a wonderful holiday ahead and a fabulous January cruise!

  24. Hi Joanne - this was a lovely post to read. Im loving all your nature shots and all the selfies of yourself in what you're wearing. It's coming into summer here so funny to see warm clothes! Your new oven looks fabulous - what fun to play around with it and become familiar with it. You are doing so much better than me with regards to making the house look festive and Christmassy! I have not put up one decoration .... but then I've had a lot on my plate of late. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and thank you so much for linking up with #WWWhimsy

    1. Aw, thank you! We always decorate the Friday after Thanksgiving since everyone is home with a bonus day off and I have lots of help around.

  25. That conbread pot pie sounds delicious and I really love that first reflective shot in the hiking bit. The pink on the water. Just gorgeouws #WBOYC

    1. Thank you! That first shot in the hiking portion is actually out my back window... I love the colors we see around sunrise and sunset.

  26. Hi Joanne, a great month with so much happening in your world! Thanks for joining us for #WBOYC and I love all your Christmas decorations and personalised gifts.

  27. Great catch up Joanne. So pleased for your son too. I love your selfies because I look for when you have (thongs as we call them) flip flops on knowing you are hanging out for warmer days. You do Christmas beautifully! Denyse #WBOYC

  28. Love your Christmas decorations and crafting, and giggled at the turkey leftovers. November certainly looked as though it treated you well.


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